"Don't trade in what you want most for what you want at the moment!"

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's like a puzzle...

Ok Beauties....this is something you MUST understand early on in order to succeed in this challenge. The challenge is like a puzzle. There are lots of different pieces to the puzzle. If you are missing one piece, then it is not going to be complete. Like I said, you must get this now!!! The people that have done well are the ones that took it seriously and understood that you can't leave parts out. The ones that are still struggling are the ones that do the challenge "half way" and leave certain things out.

So here is the deal....just get it DRILLED into your head now that you gotta do everything if you wanna see big weight loss!!!!!

If you leave out the water then you are just slowing everything down.

If you workout 6 days a week but you cheat behind closed doors then you are wasting your time in the gym. Trust me.

If you never exercise then you are missing the "healthy" part badly. Exercise is good for tons of reasons, not just the weight loss. The exercise helps with the inches too.

If you don't get your mind right and get focused then you will quit within one month. (at least those are the statistics so far from the past 18 weeks) You must have your mind prepared each day when you wake up. There are days when I am not focused and they are SO hard.

And last, you must realize that the challenge is more about weight loss. It is about growing as a person and learning to see yourself how God sees you. Yes it will be great when you are rocking one hot body, but if you can't grow through this then you will still fall short. A hot body is not the only thing that will make you happy.

Does that make sense?? DON'T LOSE PIECES OF YOUR PUZZLE!!!!! Make sure you have them all, and if you, everything will fit together perfectly in the end!!!!! Focus today on what part of your puzzle you are weak in and work on it.

I can't wait to see your finished "puzzles" at the end of this! That is my favorite part :) Love love love y'all! ---The Beast

Here are a few pictures of some of the Beauties that were sent out this week in emails...the first one is Cassie....
The second one is Deborah....

Amanda Holley, I tried to upload yours and it is coming out blue-agh!!! Sorry girl, I tried 6 times!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? My personal computer technician will be getting right on that! I had to use one that's a few months old since my card reader broke and my cord to the camera disappeared! I promise I'll get one up for you guys soon!
