"Don't trade in what you want most for what you want at the moment!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

week 2 results

i apologize again for not being able to use capital letters. it is driving me crazy but i cannot get the internet on my other computer right now!!!!!

here are the results for week 2:

total pound goal: 823

total pounds lost: 193.1

total inches lost: 67.25

doing wonderful so far!! i hope that all of you looked at the spreadsheet i sent out so that you can see how everyone else is doing. one thing i needed to tell you guys. if you write words in the number secions of the spreadsheet then we have to go in and change it in order to do calculations.

for ex. when we ask how many inches you lost, some of you dont measure. that is fine, but since you write that in the blank then we have to change it to 0. just wanted you to know why it was getting changed. words mess up the calculations.

here we go week 3!

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