"Don't trade in what you want most for what you want at the moment!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

When women come together...


This morning I had breakfast with the pastor of our church and through our conversation I was reminded of something very important. I was reminded that...

When women come together they can do great things.

So many times "women" are the reason that things go south. When I say "things" I mean relationships, churches, programs, etc. Women have the power to completely destroy something and they also have the power to do amazing things....if they are on the same side.

Let's face it....women are jealous creatures. We just are. We are constantly looking around at other women, wondering how they got that skinny, wondering if their marriage is as perfect as it appears, etc. If we are not careful, we can judge them based on what they look like. We don't see what is behind their face, and often times we don't care. All we know is that we are envious of what they look like or have and that is the bottom line.

Instead of wanting to truly know them, we usually run from that. We get intimidated for whatever reason and instead of building a relationship.....we usually cause drama. We stare, we may act snobby, we may talk about that "girl" or whatever. You know what I mean...we cause drama. I am guilty of this...I won't even lie.

I see this to be the most true when it comes to weight. Why? Because ALL women want to be thin and feel good. ALL WOMEN. It's natural to want this.

I remember when I was much heavier. When I would see a skinny girl I would try to tell myself that she was only skinny because she had an eating disorder. I seriously would. At the time I couldn't seem to lose weight and so I would try to justify why that girl was skinny. And it always came down to eating disorder. That was the only way I could make myself feel better. At the time I didn't really have much faith in the good old exercising and eating right...so what else could she be doing? Instead of being her friend and finding out how she got skinny....I just didn't like her. (or at least I didn't want to like her)

It's a good thing that she liked me. It's a good thing that she looked past my immature attitude. It's a good thing that she saw something in me that I didn't see. Because that same girl that I was jealous of is the same girl that changed my whole life. When I finally became "real" with her and told her my insecurities she was able to help me. And for 3 months she had me up very early in the morning, jogging FOREVER, eating the kind of breakfast that skinny people eat, and she was on my back 24-7. But that is what I needed. And in 3 months that weight was shedding off...and I mean shedding. All it took was some good old exercise and eating right. (not an eating disorder)

I realized then that if women would just COME TOGETHER then they could do great things. If women would stop competing with each other and start encouraging each other then they could do great things. If women would be real instead of hiding then they could do great things.

Beauties, we are a LARGE group right now. We can do great things. Just the fact that you are a part of this challenge speaks very loudly. You are saying that you do have a weight problem but you are ready for that problem to go away. I want us to do our best to NOT judge a book by it's cover. Don't dislike another woman because she is thin. You don't know her story. It is time that we come together and stop pushing people away.

You will notice that when you start losing weight you will see 2 types of women. Some women will flock you and bug you about how you lost the weight....and other women will become distant because they are too scared to bring it up. USE THAT MOMENT TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE. The reason that we have so many Beauties right now is because the new Beauties saw success in the older Beauties. They saw a change, they saw big weight loss, and they want it too. It's ok to just say it. Why? Because all women want to be thin and feel good inside.

Bottom line. We ALL have the same desire and same goal. I am thankful that FINALLY we are willing to just say it so that we can fix it. It's about time.

When women come together we can do great things! Don't forget that.

Meet Courtney...one of your fellow Beauties!


  1. LOVED this post!

  2. I am in tears Tanna! I love this post. So true! Women do judge and you don't know what is going on in their lives. I love you! Thank you this was needed!!!
